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February 21-24, 2023 | Plains/MW/GL Winter Storm/Blizzard


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There has been signs on the GFS past hour 240 of a storm or two in this time frame and now inside of 240 CMC/Euro are picking up on it too. There has also been hints of a secondary especially on the GFS/Euro while the CMC has just one bigger system. The secondary on the 12z GFS appears to be staying across the south while the 12z Euro could be farther NW. Gives us something to finally track.




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30 minutes ago, beaver56 said:

As much as I love winter weather, let's bring on spring.  I am ready for some warmth and sun.  Too many crap systems this year.

I will obviously dig seeing a surprise snow (As a lifelong snow lover, how could I not) but if Spring comes in without anymore cold/snow, I shall not bi$%h

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  • The title was changed to February 21-24, 2023 | Plains/MW/GL Winter Storm Speculation
1 hour ago, MesoscaleBanding said:

So...in central OH

12z GFS shows a temperature of 65F for 18z on Feb. 23

12z Canadian shows a temperature of 25F for 18z on Feb. 23

Seriously, why do I even look at the long range model output 🙈

Sounds like its going to be about 45F.

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