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BuckeyeGal last won the day on March 5 2022

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About BuckeyeGal

  • Birthday June 30

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    Westerville, OH

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  1. Everybody breathe. I think once the beefier Monday storm gets out of the way this storm and its clipper will become clearer. I have a good feeling about them. 😊☃️
  2. My hubs and oldest are going to the OSU game. They're gonna freeze their buns off. Zoinks. Adding snow on top of that would make it even worse (but, um, I'm still rooting for it lolll). I was at the Browns Snow Bowl in 2007. It was incredible, lol.
  3. I kept thinking it was going to be beefier than thought with the returns to the west.. but nope. Died out like predicted. I will take a light blanket of white any time though!
  4. Beautiful out. ☃️
  5. e6 or e17 please! 😄
  6. May need to have two separate threads? One for 18-19 and one for 20-22? Models are confusing.
  7. Holy wind, Batman. Looks like the baby clipper will come through later this afternoon and tonight.. weakening as it heads east. Not going to create another thread for that, but feel free to post here about it. I started a thread for next weekend's system!
  8. I'm biting. Pretty much every model is showing SOMETHING happening in this time frame, and as there are some rather important football games happening on 12/21.. it seems pertinent that we start watching a bit closer. Not going to show snow totals yet as it's almost impossible to currently capture it (can't use total with the baby clipper on its way today and 24 hours doesn't cover it all on some models). Post away!
  9. Puking snow here. 🙂
  10. Hey. It's snow and not rain. Let's rejoice! 😄
  11. No lynching here.. I would love some snow for Christmas but I’ll say mood snow for our snow warriors lol
  12. It snowed my whole drive in and I LOVED it. I like our chances of getting something at least moderately impactful in the next few weeks, too (*coughtheCanadianlooksawesomecough*). Yay!
  13. I will take the 12z Euro run (especially around 12/21) for five million dollars, whoever-the-Jeopardy-host-is-now-but-I-feel-like-I-should-still-say-Alex!
  14. I am so appreciative of the hard work of our Road Warriors, but there are times.. that I really wish you forgot to salt the roads and accidentally forgot to put your plows down. LOL.
  15. *coughmecough* 😄
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