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BuckeyeGal last won the day on March 5 2022

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About BuckeyeGal

  • Birthday June 30

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    Westerville, OH

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  1. Guys. Go see “Twisters.” Took my oldest tonight and geeked out through the whole thing. I know it’s probably not scientifically accurate or possible, but watching my kiddo get excited as I am about weather was beyond worth the cost of the ticket. Someday I want to see a real one.. that’s not destroying anything and is a safe distance away. So somebody invent a tornado watching bubble, lol. and I know this is off topic but it’s about severe weather and this is where those folks are most active. 😊
  2. Across the street neighbors had major wind damage.. but nothing at our house. Nuts!
  3. Better not be an omen for the upcoming winter pattern!
  4. The live feed of the flat bridge (which we drove right by) is INSANE right now.
  5. Nevermind..had links up to Jamaica webcams but they were all broken!
  6. When we were in Jamaica, there was a storm system that blew in while we were trying to go ATV'ing. It unfortunately canceled the tour because the rain/thunder/lightning/wind was so suddenly severe and long-lasting. On the shuttle trip back, we passed a plethora of uprooted trees and road flooding. And this was just a random summer thunderstorm that lasted about 45 minutes. I REALLY don't want to think about what Beryl just did to those islands.. and what it's going to do to Jamaica. Yikes.
  7. Can I just tell you how glad I am that I went to Jamaica last week and not this week? Good gracious.
  8. Are you talking about the second possible line? I think it all depends how we rebound. Many models still show isolated but strong/severe cells in our area, but the derecho like line does appear further south.
  9. From my brother’s house in Cleveland!
  10. Yes, we’re safe.. sirens just randomly went off again for a minute. Someone must’ve pushed the wrong button lol.
  11. Never a good thing when the met on tv says there’s rotation on your street. 🤪
  12. Looks to be weakening in the middle of the state.. I think?
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