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Everything posted by BuckeyeGal

  1. From my brother’s house in Cleveland!
  2. Yes, we’re safe.. sirens just randomly went off again for a minute. Someone must’ve pushed the wrong button lol.
  3. Never a good thing when the met on tv says there’s rotation on your street. 🤪
  4. Looks to be weakening in the middle of the state.. I think?
  5. This is like watching sharks approach while swimming in chummed water. Ugh.
  6. That's worrisome that it's already so high in the Day 4-6 range.
  7. And again.. insane hail. What is with this year?
  8. The severe-warned by Troy has 1.25"-1.5" hail.
  9. Looks like a targeting system. Yikes!
  10. I've been watching, too. I feel like Ohio is now in Tornado Alley. 😞
  11. The tornado risk for today seems to have shifted much further East/South (not seeing much threat to most of our subforum area).. guessing because of all-day rain.
  12. I do not like the discrete look of the storms Wednesday-Thursday.. especially paired with the deepening low’s approach. Yikes.
  13. Aside from the surprise heavy snow we recently had on a Christmas Eve, that eclipse was one of the coolest weather moments I’ve ever had. Total darkness. Street lights came on. Could see stars. Just wow.
  14. I made a playlist for your listening pleasure! HERE it is. 😄
  15. Also, THIS is so cool! I had no idea! Everybody wear green/red. 😄
  16. Given the very wet pattern we're in, and given what looked like possible rain here in not-that-long-ago model runs, I was SO GRATEFUL this morning to drive into school in the sunshine. (We don't have the whole day off.. just an early release.) I bought Sun Chips, Sunkist, and Cosmic Brownies for my fam to celebrate. 🙂 Good luck, all!
  17. Absolutely. I posted in response to someone I deeply respect essentially trashing our local mets and saying that we should've had a storm since everything was canceled. I wanted to say.. DO YOU HEAR YOURSELF? Asking for a tornado. Good grief.
  18. I just posted this on my weather page. You'd think that people would give weather forecasters more grace. I know we tend to be all WHAT ARE THEY THINKING at points, but it burns my biscuits something fierce when people in my circle judge them, or make fun of them, or essentially say they're worthless. No. Thank. You.
  19. Everyone on social media is freaking out and saying it's "storm cancel." Oh mylanta.
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