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March 6-7, 2023 | NE/Mid-Atl Winter Storm


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I'm just here to torture folks with potential.

 A little system tries to squeak through. Hope it interacts with energy rotating around the Grand Banks low, and the strength and position of said low are kinda tricky.


 Where and axis of snow sets up is very much in question.

Synoptically, it seems to suggest a narrow, band, but if it looks trains in that laterally translating motion, someone could get a winning lotto ticket.

NAM furthest NE




Ukie is weakest and most SWsn10_024h-imp.us_ne(4).thumb.png.9c300076e58b79adb6ba6e148b32618a.png

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37 minutes ago, MaineJay said:

GFS is trolling @JDClapper


Meanwhile the Ukie is like, "get off the sauce".



Yeah, side eye on this one. Snow depth change would suggest a 2-4" stripe somewhere in my neck of the woods to the PA/Ny border. Narrow 15-25 mile wide stripe of lucky people.. or deer and other woodland creatures.

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CTP threw out 12z GFS and is going with northern tier PA 2-4".. but as is the case lately, models are really.. REALLY bad with bullseye zone the this year and even last year. I will look out the window tomorrow evening. 😄

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3k NAM trend today.  Trying my best to temper expectations.  This is one of the highest level "look out the window" situations there can be.  That band will be extremely narrow.  Heart-breaker potential high.


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Nams went north of town, HRRR still right through town. We will see in 12 hours.


Edit, well fv3 is through town, but 12k/3k is north. 50/50 so far lol

Edited by JDClapper
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36 minutes ago, JDClapper said:

Where my @WeatherFlash at? This is boom or bust for both us.. if Williamsport wins, looks like Danville wins. or, vice versa.

Haha I'm here. I've been peaking at the short ranges since last night runs fully expecting it to drift away again and trying not to jinx it. but this could be my biggest snow of the year sadly speaking. Now i for sure jinxed it lol

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