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JDClapper last won the day on January 28

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    Loyalsock (Williamsport), PA

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  1. My winter forecast: Lots of clouds. Just got these bad boys installed Thursday (there's more on another part of the roof). Electrician gets it connected to the meter Tuesday. As surly as the track of a big storm shifts, the sun will be hard to find the majority of the time after that. 😄
  2. I actually did this past week. Still haven't turned on heat despite the kiddo complaining it's cold in the house (61 ain't cold, enough with the drama!) But I def believe I'll be firing up the annual burnt hair smell this week.
  3. I'm still waiting to wear a hoodie on a regular basis. Sheesh. Maybe this week. 🤷‍♂️ Havent even whipped out the sweats yet. 😭
  4. 0z EPS caught my attn a little this morming. A cluster of members liking the C-3" event Fri night in NCPA.
  5. 12z EPS is meh on this one, at least for snow accum in NCPA. 0z was a tad better.
  6. Cluster of 5ish or so members liking some measurable white in NCPA Saturday evening. So, 10%, give or take. Several other members with different timing/ways to get some snow too.
  7. Yep, I can confirm it was near 60, 3 hours ago and now graupel is falling at 39 degrees.
  8. I know there has been alot of antecdotal chatter about how the models seem to have gotten "worse" in recent years and I share this opinion. One thing the popped up my memory, I believe is back around 2016-2018, there was at least one very northern site in AK or Canada, if not multiple, that stopped launching balloons and even then I recall chatter about foecasts starting to be a little more, wonky. All these late game surprises and biuncy medium/long term forecasting, any thoughts on that possibly being a root cause? Lots of upgrades, yet I am certain many would argue those havent helped much. 🙂
  9. Still some lingering light light snow, but looks like 4.1" of fluff in the Williamsport area. Gonna see if I can grab another hour or so of zzz.
  10. S.o.b, the HRRR was right with the lingering snow in CPA this morning. Well done good sir.
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