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January 13-17, 2024 | 1-2 Punch Winter Storm Potential


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Might as well add another one to the list. GFS has been showing signs of an active period continuing into mid month. I would think this one has a better chance to be farther south depending of course on what happens with the 8-10 storm.



Edited by snowlover2
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25 minutes ago, snowlover2 said:

Might as well add another one to the list. GFS has been showing signs of an active period continuing into mid month. I would think this one has a better chance to be farther south depending of course on what happens with the 8-10 storm.



Agreed about it being farther south than the storm before that.  imo, the only way it wouldn't be would be if the timing slows down and gives the baroclinic zone more time to shift back north after the preceding storm.

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I am a big snow fan, but a friend of mine has a bday on January 12. She is the bartender at a restaurant nearby, and she is likely to be there for her big day. As a result, I don’t want snow on the 11th or 12th. I hope it holds off until her commute home. She only works the weekends, so if the weather screws up my chances of seeing her on the 12th, I will be out of luck.

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  • The title was changed to January 13-15, 2024 | Winter Storm Potential

I'm flying to California on the morning of the 14th.

1) Selfishly, I will be furious if this cancels my flight.

2) This storm is a sure bet since I'll be out of the area.

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This is the one.  All signs and signals point to a cold and snowy end of winter.  Absolutely now way this doesn't happen.....

At least it is something to track.  😆

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This one will happen and probably one day earlier than currently modeled. I want a big storm but not until January 13 or 14. I just noticed that temperatures here in St. Louis will be normal to below normal until at least mid- month. 

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7 hours ago, snowlover2 said:

0z Euro looks like this might be about to go boom.



That's a monster H5 look for a massive storm somewhere over the eastern lakes I'd assume. Nice fantasy image though.

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