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February 26-28, 2023 | Plains/MW/GL Blizzard


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The February 16-17 wasn't a blizzard and the storm later this week won't be a blizzard either ... That means the storm I'm waiting for is still out there. The previous two blizzard caliber storms UP here were 67 days apart and that many days after December 22-24 is February 27th so this must be the one! 🤞🤣😁

Here's the 12z EPS low tracks and the second loop is a trend of the past 6 EPS runs. Almost every member is in the 970s on the 12z run with a few 960s mixed in too. 



Edited by StLweatherjunkie
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  • The title was changed to February 26-28, 2023 | Plains/MW/GL Blizzard Speculation
On 2/21/2023 at 3:17 AM, StLweatherjunkie said:

00z EPS continues to show a sub-980mb low pressure lifting into the great lakes early next week:


A 975 mb low over Lake MI next Monday evening for $1000 Alex. Not much change on the last two EPS runs, if anything it looks a bit weaker without as many 960s solutions.


First swing at snow chances, looks pretty good for the upper East Coast


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  • The title was changed to February 26-28, 2023 | Plains/MW/GL Blizzard

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