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January 8-10, 2024 | Winter Storm Potential


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Well might as well go ahead and get this going. I thought the 4-7 period had the BSR support but it actually is this period. Below is a loop of the last 12 GFS runs showing a storm here but naturally it's all over the place being over 10 days out still. By the end of the weekend/start of next week GGEM/Euro should hopefully be showing something too and we really start figuring out what this is going to do.


Edited by snowlover2
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Signal is there.. GFS has been showing something intense for quite a few runs. Hopefully something verifies.. would be nice if folks in the Midwest and Ohio Valley could cash-in too! Cutters.. one man’s trash, another’s treasure I suppose. 

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  • The title was changed to January 8-10, 2024 | Winter Storm Potential
5 minutes ago, MesoscaleBanding said:

Starting to look like this storm thread can be refined to Jan. 8-10...Will probably need another storm thread for the Jan 11-13 time frame if that energy continues to show up on future model runs as it is still a bit out into fantasy range. 

Yep was likely going to have to shorten the end date anyway.

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