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How to insert text, graphics and photos in Quotes.


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In order to reduce the amount of scrolling when reading a thread (especially for phone users), it is recommended to place large amounts of text or numerous graphics and/or photos in Quote boxes.  A Quote box can be activated/inserted into your post by clicking the Quote icon.


A quote can be inserted anywhere within your reply.  Just hit the quote button while your cursor is where you would like the quote to be and a quote box will pop up.

It will look similar to this...



You can copy then paste text or graphics directly into this box by right clicking in the box, then pasting.  You can also either paste the original font (rich text) or convert it to plain text by selecting one or the other from the black banner that pops up below the text box.  This choice between plain or rich text must be done right after pasting the text into the box.  If you use the "plain text" which is sometimes smaller, make sure you don't lose any formatting that makes the write-up legible.  Some sources of text do not work well in Quote boxes.  If this is the case, use a "snip" of the text.



Again, you can paste directly into the Quote box or if you have several saved graphics or photos use the "Drag files here to attach, or choose files.." link at the bottom of the reply.  You can upload them in any order, but to present them in a particular order inside the quote box (or even outside of a quote box) you must:

  • first open a quote then right click in the quote box (that is, make sure your cursor is in the quote box)
  • choose which image you want to in the box by holding your cursor on the image then clicking on "Insert" in the bottom right (this will add the image to inside the quote box).
  • then do the same the any additional images and so on and so forth.
  • If you make a mistake, just hit the "X" on the uploaded image and it will be removed from the quote box.


Things may work a bit different for phones or different operating systems.  Any questions, post them here and I'll try to answer them.

Edited by Hiramite
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