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ClicheVortex2014 last won the day on April 2

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    Amarillo, Texas

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  1. I slept through the outbreak yesterday because I've been on midnights so I'm not exactly sure what it looked like prior to the outbreak, but seeing a lot of sunshine/mid-level drying in the 'warm sector' today. Not a scenario like Ike, but could be a bad situation for different reasons for the region.
  2. Had a secondary peak of sustained 60 mph gusting to 78 mph
  3. The mesonet at Amarillo 9NNE just recorded a 79 mph wind gust 😳
  4. Severe storm about to impact NWS Amarillo. Will be interesting to see what happens.
  5. 00z sounding had 1.40" PWAT. Definitely in the upper tier of PWATs for June. BTW... yes, I do remember that 1.40" is basically a dry day for Ohio. 😅😔
  6. Parts of the Oklahoma Panhandle had more rain over a 12 hour period than they had in all of 2022.
  7. Mid-level moisture (or the lack thereof) killed the potential. That's a good thing for all involved though because more robust mid-level moisture would've resulted in some nasty storms.
  8. Day 5 or 6 of severe storms somewhere in the Texas Panhandle. If a supercell can pop in the eastern TX Panhandle, whew. 12z AMA sounding had ankle deep moisture but look at those lapse rates that has translated further east into the deep moisture... presumably in the eastern TX Panhandle/western OK. Bet if you launched a sounding there you'd have a classic loaded gun sounding.
  9. 2nd day in a row a severe warned MCS has moved through Amarillo. Feels like I'm back in Ohio. Just wish the MCSs are as generous with rain totals... not even at a half an inch between the two systems.
  10. Will be interesting to see what the reports look like once all is said and done. Pretty big overlap of areas that had 2 rounds of severe storms today.
  11. Truly awful when a long-lived supercell producing strong tornado(es) is followed up by a severe MCS
  12. Gotta say, NWS Paducah is doing a great job with these warnings. Keep the PDS warnings going while issuing the short-fused emergencies as needed. Never want to overdo warnings, but especially not emergencies.
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